Meme Mafia

stage 3


Meme Mafia is a project that aims to promote meme culture and engage with meme projects and communities. It introduces a unique mafia twist throughout the project, including NFT art, bios, traits, and character history. The goal is to foster a strong sense of loyalty and competitiveness within meme communities while also driving the financial strength of the meme sector. The project recognizes the significant influence memes have on market sentiment and their potential. With carefully planned taxes, a portion is allocated to community projects through buybacks and rewards for NFT holders. The remaining funds support marketing, exchange listings, and community initiatives. Meme Mafia launched with a fair token distribution and prioritizes security measures, including a gas efficient ERC20 contract & locked liquidity for decades. The team, consisting of anonymous volunteers, is actively engaged with the community and welcomes questions and engagement through Telegram and Twitter.



Token Details-

Name: Meme Mafia
Blockchain: Ethereum
Project Utility: NFTs

Total Supply: 1,000,000,000

Circ. Supply: 1,000,000,000

Contract Address: 0xfc1d08fbb8aa9de84e788168a0a93b4fe96e901e

Lp Pair: 0xbfa66431c982875546f3ca91c36c574c7254619e

Contract Renounced: Yes  |   Renounced Tx. Hash: Tx Link

Liquidity Locked: Yes  |   % of LP Locked: 100% |   LP Lock Link

Contract Audited: No

Team KYC'd: No

Unique Utility-

No Team tokens
No Airdrops
95.5% launched on Uniswap with LP locked for decades
4.5% reserved in MultiSig for Future Exchanges and Ops

Transaction Taxes-

Total transaction tax on buys: 1%

Reflections: 0%

Burn: 0%

Auto LP: 0%

Other: 1%

Recommended Slippage % for Buys (equal to or greater than the tax): 1%

Total transaction tax on sells: 1%

Reflections: 0%

Burn: 0%

Auto LP: 0%

Other: 1%

Recommended Slippage % for Sells (equal to or greater than the tax): 1%

Total transaction tax on transfers: 0%

Reflections: 0%

Burn: 0%

Auto LP:  0%

Other: 0%

NFT Stats


MemeMafia NFTs have limited mints to 1-of-1. These are broken down between the Mafia Families NFTS and the MemeMafia Army series.

MemeMafia Army (MMA) NFT Collections
These are our unique NFT collections containing our Meme Mafia Army! Every NFT is unique, is a 1-of-1 character, and each NFT costs .03 Ethereum on OpenSea. Collections are produced by Generations with Generation 1 being the first collection released. Hidden within these NFT collections are NFTs with additional value!

The MemeMafia Family NFTs-
The industry’s fluid meme sector creates a dynamic plot that changes with the rotation of power, influence and wealth.

NFT Details-

NFT Supply: Limited/Capped

Projects NFT link: NFT Details

NFT Collections: 1 unique collections

NFT collection links-


Project's Hashtags-
#MemeMafia, #MemeMafiaToken

Twitter  Telegram   


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